Tuesday, March 30, 2010

5linx goes Apple

Finally!!! 5linx will have an app on the iphone!
What does this mean you may ask??? Well, now I can go WIFI instead of using my minutes AND call 75 countries at no additional charge! Can your Triple Play do that? I didn't think soo!! How long before you step your game up??

And last but not least finally Verizon will offer a version of the iphone. Well it's about time! I don't know about you but I'm sick of Blackberry and their crashing software! The great thing about the VZW iphone is that it will mimic lots of Blackerry features-hopefully it will have BBM!


What do you current iphone users think about that? What do you current VZW consumers think? Droid, Nexus, iphone? Or does the iphone stand alone??

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

2 states, 3 cities, 2 days!

This weekend that just passed was fabulous! I took a trip to West Virginia and then the next day we went to Maryland and all in the name of business! I simply love what I do and the feeling is priceless! The possibilities are limitless! Check us out on the road!
